Weird News And Stupid Criminals

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shirtless Man Arrested Again

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A man out on bail for a criminal offense is told not to drink, use or have drugs as well as not get into any more trouble. These are the terms of his bail. The man lives one short block from the city police department and right next door to a bar.

On this night at 3 o'clock in the morning, the man and his girlfriend were having a fight so he left his apartment without a shirt on and walked through the parking lot to the police station to report that his girlfriend was fighting with him.

An office on duty recognized the man as being on bail and the strong smell of alcohol meant the officer had to a breathalyzer on this man. The man failed the test and was arrested and searched. Officers found pot and a pipe in the man's pants pocket. Now he was arrest for possession, bail jumping and taken back to jail. He then admitted that the story he was telling about his girlfriend was a lie.

Moral of this story is:

If you cannot drink because of a bail condition, it is not wise to leave your apartment shirtless and go to the police station to report a fight with your girlfriend. Suck it up and sleep it off.

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